We have dogs ranging from big to small up for adoption, and one of our recent residents was Rover, a Great Dane with a dappled coat that has found his cosy forever home! Rover came to us with his friend Stella, another Great Dane who has since found her forever home as well.
Great Danes require experienced owners to thrive, and Rover was lucky to have found a spacious home with another Great Dane buddy! It’s safe to say that he hit the jackpot! His new family has provided him with everything he needs to be happy!
Great Danes have many loving qualities such as being playful companions, affectionate, confident, and fearless, and will protect their home and family well. They are also easy to train.
They are also REALLY BIG and their massive size means they take up a lot of room! They need far larger quantities of food and can suffer from bone and joint diseases like hip dysplasia and osteoarthritis, which means Great Dane Pawrents need to be prepared for full hearts and homes and potentially emptier wallets.
Proper care is an important consideration for these gentle giants and we are sure Rover has found the perfect home where he will receive the care he needs and deserves.