41 Dogs. Two Yards. A Crisis That Cannot Be Ignored.
Six Animal Welfare Organisations Unite to Sterilise 180 Pets in Just One Day
Lavender Hill, Cape Town – 41 dogs – 32 of them puppies, crammed into two small yards is what rescue group
By acting now with aggressive sterilisation drives, we can prevent the suffering of countless animals. Sterilisation comes at a cost, and we are as always completely reliant on your support.
We’re winning small battles every single day with every single animal sterilised from the 5 communities where we are currently focusing our humane pet population efforts but the war is far from over. According to a recent census we conducted in Langa, 89.6% of pets in the area are unsterilised and more than 70% of owners want their pets sterilised. Without our action and without your support, thousands of unwanted puppies and kittens are about to be born. We must act now!
Six Animal Welfare Organisations Unite to Sterilise 180 Pets in Just One Day
Lavender Hill, Cape Town – 41 dogs – 32 of them puppies, crammed into two small yards is what rescue group
In April of this year, the SPCA projected that we would admit a total of 20 350 unwanted and unloved animals. The reality has been so much worse. A staggering 23,621 unwanted and unloved animals
We Step In With Short-Term Action and Long-Term Impact. Short-term solutions met long-term vision at the Langa Library this morning, where young learners gathered for the Cape of Good Hope SPCA’s Ani-Pals puppet show! This
We’re in the midst of a mass sterilization drive, and it’s been heartwarming to witness the reunions between pets and their loving owners.
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Mon – Fri: 08h30 – 17h00
Sat: Closed
Sun: Closed
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Mon – Fri: 08h00 – 16h00
Sat: 08h00 – 12h00
Sun: Closed
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©️ Cape of Good Hope SPCA | Public Benefit Organisation Number 930004317