Cape of Good Hope SPCA is urging people not to buy or use glue traps. These devices are commonly used to trap rodents and mice, consisting of sheets of cardboard, plastic or wood coated with a non-drying adhesive. Unfortunately, they end up trapping more than rodents and bestow a fate of unspeakable suffering upon the unsuspecting victim who comes into contact with it.
We strongly oppose the manufacture, sale and use of all glue traps because they cause unacceptable suffering and are totally indiscriminate in the animals they target. Wildlife, including birds and household pets, succumb to this torture device. SPCA asking anyone who sees glue traps on sale to report it to the SPCA inspectorate.
Though practical and cheap, there are other, humane alternatives to glue traps. Those who get caught on this cruelty sheet are unable to move, starved to death, get injured trying to break free or simply thrown in the trash, left to die the most horrific death.
Removal of glue trap stock
Proactive inspections conducted revealed these traps are still being sold. It’s our mission to educate buyers and sellers, the use of glue traps is illegal under the Animal Protection Act.
Should shops continue to sell these cardboard cruelty sheets, further action will be taken.
If you see it, report it!
Your report will be treated as confidential. Please email or call 0217004158/9 during office hours. Cruelty reports can also be done after hours on 0833261604 or you can report cruelty online at