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This is How YOU Help Prevent Cruelty

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If you’re like most animal lovers we know, even the thought of an animal being mistreated is enough to upset you. So imagine what it’s like to live the neglect, day in and day out – and be completely powerless to change your destiny.

This is the harsh reality for animals in poor and rural areas – and it’s why our outreach projects mean the world to people and pets in forgotten places like Calvinia.

When there’s no vet close by, no SPCA, and no help for animals, only the compassion – and donations made online – by friends like you enable us to take help to where it’s needed most.

Sterilising pets during our outreach visits is a priority . . .

. . . because the severity of uncontrolled breeding adds up to countless animals that nobody wants and nobody cares for.

This isn’t where you’ll find chubby kittens and puppies. It’s where many infant animals die from disease or injury – or survive only to desperately scrounge for scraps.

Please will you help us to stop this sad cycle?

With your help now we’ll be able to spay and neuter dogs and cats, provide life-saving vaccinations, tick and flea medication and educate community members about animal care.

We’re hoping that friends like you will help us sterilise at least 100 pets – and spare dozens of dogs and cats from being born into suffering.

Please – will you click here to make your donation right now?

As we head into the season of Spring – the time of fresh starts and new beginnings – we count on your generosity and online donation – to help animals, through the caring hands of our outreach team.

Thank you in advance, for expressing your love for animals through your support of the Cape of Good Hope SPCA.

This is the harsh reality for animals in poor and rural areas – and it’s why our outreach projects mean the world to people and pets in forgotten places like Calvinia.

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