For every animal that’s been harmed or let down by an uncaring owner, we have a dream.
Will you share it?
They are brought in to our SPCA every day. Dogs, cats and horses that are frightened . . . hurt . . . starving . . . neglected . . . lost . . . abandoned. And we have the same hope and dream for every single one of them:
That they will get another chance to enjoy the life they deserve – a life where they are loved, and treated with kindness.
It’s a dream that came true for Rufus, who was brought into our SPCA, suffering from terrible mange. Most of the fur on his chest and legs had fallen out, and he had scratched himself raw trying to relieve the terrible itchiness.
Rufus needed weeks and weeks of veterinary treatment to clear his skin. As you can imagine, it cost a lot of money.
And the really amazing thing is that every cent we spent on meds, food and care came from animal lovers who support our SPCA from the goodness of their hearts.
So you’ll be as excited as we are to know that it was all worth it! With his coat back to its shiny best, Rufus went to a loving new home where he’s the spoilt baby of the family, enjoying long walks and naps on the couch afterwards.
But for every animal that’s adopted, another arrives here to take its place. And every one of them needs help – yours and ours – to enjoy another chance of happiness.
Poor Lenny was callously abandoned at the side of a lonely road. His owner just stopped, opened the car door and booted him out! Then he drove away without a backward glance – not caring if his little dog got run over, or starved to death out there on his own.
Fortunately someone saw what happened and called us. But it’s taken Lenny months to learn to trust again. He was so hungry, scared and miserable when he first came here. It’s as if he never expected to be loved again.
We’ve done everything we can to show Lenny that he is loved – and built up his confidence again. But we need help to pay for his food and care.
Will you help by clicking here to make your contribution?
On average, it costs around R750 (excluding sterilization) to rescue, rehabilitate and rehome a dog. Less for a cat. And much, much more for a horse!
That’s why we’re really counting on you to show your support. Please will you make your secure online donation right now by clicking here?
Any amount you can spare right now will be greatly appreciated. Because it tells us that you share our dream . . . and are willing to work with us to give ill-treated animals another chance to live the good life they deserve.