Two intrepid hiking tour guides Binny Ridgway and Sally Peterson guided a group of animal-loving hikers through our first Trails4Tails Hike4Healing hike-a-thon over 10 and 11 September, covering a guided trail over Table Mountain from Cape Point to Cape Town.
The hikers collectively raised over R82 600, which will be put to good use in our animal hospital, where it will help to provide veterinary treatment to more than 340 animals.
Along the route, hikers found many endemic and interesting plant species – like the berg buchu, parasitic katnaels/Inkblom Hyobanche sanguinea and Swartkop serruria proteas.
“The best part of the experience was the amazing people and conversations. Whether these interactions are short lived or become meaningful long term friendships, we all learnt something from each other,” said Sally Peterson of AWOL Tours.
According to Binny Ridgway from Ridgway Ramblers, the two-day hike was “Good fun. Good company. Lots of laughs and many new friends were made.”
The Cape of Good Hope SPCA thanks its generous sponsors, Binny and Sally – and all the hikers who used their “heels to heal”, in order to help sick and injured animals.