The Cape of Good Hope SPCA has been humbled by the incredible support of cyclists and runners whose collective efforts this year, via their participation for TEAM SPCA in the Cape Town Cycle Tour, and the Sanlam Cape Town Marathon has seen them them raise over a quarter of a million rand for our adoptions unit and our wildlife department – and the funds are still rolling in. This team of animal warriors who pedaled their hearts out during the iconic Cape Town Cycle Tour on the 10th of October and those pounded the pavement with all their might this weekend, are pushing themselves to their limits to raise awareness for vulnerable animals awaiting homes and wild animals in distress.
It costs the SPCA an average of R450 to rescue and rehabilitate just one wild animal and an average of R110 per animal, per day to meet the needs of all our animals awaiting loving homes. All the funds raised by our athletes will go directly towards the efforts of our wildlife department, which operates at a cost of almost a million annually and our adoptions centre which operates at 2.5 million rands annually. These departments receive no government support and are heavily reliant on public donations to continue operating. “We are extremely grateful to all our participants, who take on more than just the challenge of 109km’s on a bicycle or 5km, 10km or 42.2km on their feet, they take on the additional challenge of fundraising for our cause by calling on friends, family and colleagues to support their race. Cyclists raise a minimum of R2600 and runners between R1000 and R1400 depending on their chosen marathon distance” explains Natasha Johannes, peer-to-peer and special events fundraiser for the Cape of Good Hope SPCA. “This year A total of 61 riders and 26 runners showcased the phenomenal spirit we witness year after year – open-hearted, generous sportsmen and women who choose to race for something more than their own personal bests and in doing so change the tomorrow of animals with every KM they put behind them,” she said.
Cape of Good Hope SPCA CEO Moyo Ndukwana says “Passion is everything; and it’s united in this passion that we can change the tomorrow for all animals. By sharing in our passion for a kinder world for animals, these runners and cyclists are the support we need to continue doing the work that we love and enable us to do more. We thank them for their support, their dedication to our cause, and their love for animals.”
To join TEAM SPCA and run, cycle, swim or hike for the love of animals please email awareness@spca-ct.co.za or WhatsApp Natasha on 0745806022