A Great Success
Collectively, Team SPCA managed to raise over R 113,000 with donations still coming in!

On behalf of the Cape of Good Hope SPCA we would like to thank JBL SA for sponsoring Team SPCA Sanlam Cape Town runners while they participated in the Sanlam Cape Town Marathon or Cape Town 22KM /46KM Trail Run or the 10KM Peace Run this past weekend.

The funds raised will help offset at least 45% of the operating costs of our four mobile clinic vans , which transports our staff to approximately 29 indigent areas, attending to thousands of animals who need basic veterinary care, on a weekly basis.
Furthermore the awareness or PR generated from this campaign produced an average value estimate of over R 324,000, while reaching hundreds of thousands of people on social media. This type of exposure is invaluable to our organisation and the animals who need our help.
On another positive note, the Cape of Good Hope SPCA was the second top charity (according to the total funds raised) of 53 total charities on Sanlam Cape Town Marathon’s GivenGain event page – while one of our runners managed 5th place amongst 172 fundraisers!
Once again, thank you for helping us to make this a kinder world for animals.