Few could forget the awful state Prince Charming was in when he was rescued earlier this year. Starving and in search of food, he wandered into someone’s garden where he finally collapsed in pure exhaustion.
It’s been a long journey to health at the SPCA, but with lots of love and care from our hospital, Vets and Horse Care Unit, this special chap made an incredible recovery! Thanks to your support, Prince Charming is now happy, healthy and looking forward to starting a new life in greener pastures!
Join a special circle of loyal supporters, a group we call Best Friends, and help horses who deserve lives free from cruelty and brutal exploitation.
Rehabilitating horses is costly – but by joining Best Friends, you help provide for their needs: bedding, lucerne, oats, horse cubes and special nutrients for emaciated horses, farrier costs, veterinary treatment, halters and other tack, specialist equine dentistry, gelding … the list is long – and that’s why we’re hoping you will become a Best Friend today.
Once-off Subscription
Best Friends Once-off Subscription R600
Monthly Subscription
Best Friends Monthly Subscription R50

We hope that Spirit’s story will inspire you to join today through a monthly gift of R50 or donation of R600 or more.