During our first ever virtual doggie walkathon to raise funds for an orthopaedic plating kit, our very own head veterinarian Dr Mark Middleton put his money where his mouth is and promised to abseil down Table Mountain if targets were reached. With the campaign bringing in R211 492.00, enabling us to purchase not only the bone plating kit, but additional plates and some sorely needed surgical implements, Dr Mark had no choice but to make good on his promise!
Risking their own life and limb, the entire veterinary team joined Dr Mark in a show of solidarity. One by one they stepped off of Table Mountain at 1000 meters above sea level and abseiled into a mind-blowing vertical space! Theatre Nurse, Leonard Ndakisa surprised us all when he took up the challenge too, but it was his motivation for doing so that touched the team the most. Leonard said, “I had to do it because people were so generous with their support. I really wanted to do it as a show of thanks to them because I can do so much more for animals now!” That really does say it all, because your support of our work is valued and appreciated more than words can ever say.