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Your love and compassion saved Roxy’s life on Valentine’s Day!

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No animal brought by an owner to our animal hospital is unloved, but every owner who uses our services faces the harsh reality of unemployment or financial strain.

Roxy’s owner Liam found himself grappling with an impossible choice yesterday.

His beloved companion, Roxy, lay gravely ill with tick bite fever – lethargic, jaundiced, and anaemic. But the weight of medical expenses, even at welfare rates, was beyond what the unemployed Liam’s could bear. He stood at a crossroads, torn between Roxy’s well-being and the burden of financial hardship. In his desperation, Liam contemplated surrendering Roxy into the care of the SPCA, where he hoped she would receive the life-saving treatment she desperately needed.

Only love does that.

Our veterinary team sprang into action with an aggressive treatment plan and our hearts sang this morning when we found the once listless Roxy, on all fours, eagerly devouring her breakfast. Through the night, she had fought with all her might and by morning, victory was hers. Only love does that.

On a day when the world celebrates love, we’re so thankful that we could play a small part in preserving it.

Especially given that today is not just Valentine’s Day, it’s Liam’s birthday too. He arrived at our hospital today expecting bad news, imagine his surprise to find an excited Roxy waiting for him and ready to go home. For Liam, who has nothing but the love of his dog, this reunion was the ultimate birthday present. Only love does that.

It’s your donations that make countless acts of kindness and compassion possible.

Only love does that. It’s your love for animals that makes a difference in the lives of animals and the people who cherish them. Your love is life-saving and life-changing, and for that, we are profoundly grateful. Help us save more lives every day!

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Thank you for helping our Animal Hospital to deliver veterinary care to the hundreds of animals who come through our doors.

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Thank you for helping our Animal Hospital to deliver veterinary care to the hundreds of animals who come through our doors.

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A Gift That Lasts Past A Lifetime

It was a bequest made by the late Val Gorfinkel that enabled our Animal Hospital to receive a much-needed revamp about 16 years ago. That upgrade helped ensure that 40 000 animals received veterinary help during the past year.

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