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Abused, beaten – SPCA to the rescue

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Senior Inspector Wayne Hector confiscated a pony in Robinvale, Atlantis that was subjected to abuse and being beaten by children. The community jumped in and assisted Inspector Hector with his rescue mission.

ATLANTIS – The Cape of Good Hope SPCA received a complaint from a concerned resident of Robinvale about children overriding a pony in Atlantis. It was reported that the children were riding the pony up and down the street – day and night. When the pony had enough and refused to move, the children started beating the pony — forcing the pony to ride.

The Atlantis residents had enough of the abuse and contacted the Cape of Good Hope SPCA for assistance.  

Senior Inspector Wayne Hector covers the Atlantis area and was immediately dispatched to investigate the matter. As Wayne drove down the road where the incident was reported, he found the pony surrounded by children and was forced to ride. When the children saw the SPCA vehicle, they quickly dispersed and ran away, including the rider. Leaving the exhausted pony abandoned next to the road.

The pony was given water to drink by a caring resident.
Perpetrators run away

As the children ran away, Wayne immediately jumped out of his vehicle and safely secured the pony. Residents started to come out of their houses to see what was going on. The residents jumped in and assisted Wayne with the rescue mission. A resident kindly allowed Wayne to confine the pony in her backyard to allow for a horsebox from Grassy Park to arrive.

Owner arrives

As Wayne waited for his colleagues to arrive with a horsebox, he was approached by a man who claimed to be the owner of the pony. Armed with his seizure book in hand, Wayne immediately seized the pony and issued the owner with a seizure notice. 

Horsebox arrives

Finally, help arrived, and Wayne and Gugu safely loaded the pony, which we now called McDonald, into the SPCA horsebox. The journey back to the SPCA Horse Care Unit in Grassy Park started. 

Safe at the SPCA Horse Care Unit

Upon arrival at the SPCA, one of our resident veterinarians examined McDonald. Besides being exhausted and dehydrated, McDonald was given a clean bill of health. Placed in one of our stables with a special diet and a warm place to sleep – he is now in safe hands. 

We will make it our mission to ensure that criminal charges are brought against the owner for allowing his pony to be abused by minors.

We are appealing to our supporters to please make a contribution towards McDonald’s upkeep until we can find him a suitable forever home. 

Donate NOW to help us fight for justice for abused horses and ponies

It is only through YOUR support that we can continue to help animals like McDonald to have a chance for a better future.

The SPCA receives no funding from the government and relies on donations from the public in order to function

Pony confiscated by the Cape of Good Hope SPCA.

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