CAPE TOWN 14 May 2021 – Cape of Good Hope SPCA recorded a significant spike in dogfighting cases which increased from 29 to 62 cases (113%) in the past financial year. The 24-hour service Inspectorate with its 21 strong staff complement consists of 13 Inspectors, 3 Trainee Inspectors, 2 Field Officers and 3 Collection Officers who service an area of more than 3 200 square kilometres. This area of operation includes the Cape Town Metropole of 2 400 square kilometres and the Stellenbosch municipal area of more than 800 square kilometres, stretching into the Cape Wine lands
Inspector Siviwe Noko a.k.a ‘The General’ being the dedicated Anti-dogfighting SPCA Inspector said “trying to prevent dogfighting is no longer enough, we are moving to eradicate dogfighting altogether” This year, the inspectorate flexed its muscle and reduced the number of dogfighting cases by 72% from 62 in the previous period to only 17 cases to date.
Earlier In March of this year, the City of Cape Town established a joint Anti-Dogfighting Team. The team, whose mandate is to tackle dog fighting and deal with canine attacks on people and animals, comprises of City Law Enforcement Animal Control officers, welfare inspectors from the Cape of Good Hope SPCA, and members of the Safety and Security Investigations Unit (SSIU).