When a man lost an argument with a woman in the streets recently, he violently took his frustrations out on Meira, who was doing nothing but sitting contentedly with her owner, a homeless man to whom she was a faithful companion.
After allegedly plunging a 20cm long blade into Meira’s back, this man proceeded to lift her up and kick her before walking away and leaving her in a pile on the ground.
Inspector Jeffery Mfini responded to the call and transported the badly injured Meira, who was unable to use her hind legs at all, to our animal hospital for treatment.
The veterinary prognosis was heartbreaking – Meira had been left completely paralysed by the attack and had to be euthanaised to prevent further suffering.
The only thing Inspector Jeffrey could do for Meira was to put all his efforts into tracing her assailant – and he found him.
He was arrested on charges of animal cruelty earlier today by the Landsdown SAPS and will be appearing in the Wynberg Magistrates Court tomorrow.

We’ll be there tomorrow and we will be at every court appearance that follows until we can be Meira’s voice, tell her story and ensure that no other animal suffers at this man’s hands.
Update: 23 June 2022
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