Scubie's Suffering
Scubie deserves to have his story told, please give him a voice by sharing what happened to him
Scubie (pronounced Scooby) suffered horribly. He had done nothing to deserve it, he was simply the victim of a violent revenge attack.
A homemade sword, fashioned from a flat metal bar, 18mm wide and roughly 1m in length, sharpened on one side and at the tip, was his assailant’s choice of weapon. On the opposite end of the “blade” was a grip made from cloth and tape.
The 1m blade was thrust into the flesh under Scubie’s tongue and driven through his neck, severing the soft tissue, muscle and blood vessels in its path until it exited at the base of his head.
Scooby was silenced but he didn’t die immediately, he was left like that, impaled by the “sword”, blood dripping from his mouth.
Please Don't Look Away
These pictures are hard to see but witnessing Scubie’s suffering validates his existence. He deserves to have his story told so that the world can know what happened to him.
The Background
On the 10th of June 2021 we received a call for help from our friends at Helderberg Animal Welfare Society. Scubie’s owner had contacted them and they had already collected the alive, but severely injured Scubie from his home in Lwandle, Gordon’s Bay.
Shocked at the brutal attack on this innocent life, they wanted the best possible chance of justice for Scubie and asked if they could rely on our experienced Inspectorate to handle the criminal investigation. In the meantime, following the advice of a veterinarian who felt it was cruel to keep Scubie alive any longer, Scubie was mercifully put to sleep. There was nothing that could be done to save him.
Inspector Mark Syce Investigates
Inspector Mark Syce responded to the call for help and what he saw was horrific. Scubie was at peace and free of pain but the sword penetrating his mouth and exiting his neck remained in situ. Shock, Denial, Anger and Pain came in waves all at once – ebbing and flowing, these emotions accompanied him and Scubies’s remains all the way from Gordon’s Bay to the State Veterinarian in Stellenbosch where a Post Mortem was conducted immediately.
Inspector Mark Syce then visited the scene of the crime where he saw Scubie’s kennel. It had been smashed to pieces by his assailant. The scene played out before his eyes like a horror movie. A terrified Scubie, with his sanctuary destroyed and nowhere left to hide, was left with no choice but to face his fate. A fate decided by a vengeful man armed with a home made sword.
Gathering evidence can be difficult in these circumstances but our Inspector managed to find eye witnesses to the attack and they were willing to talk. Scubie’s owner also gave insight into what had happened. His 28 year old stepson, whose history of alcohol abuse and violent outbursts had resulted in his family obtaining a restraining order against him had paid their home a visit – likely with murder on his mind. Scubie was simply an easy target.
A criminal docket has been complied and registerd with SAPS Lwandle. Charges of animal cruelty will brought against the man responsible for Scubie’s suffering.
Please report animal cruelty by calling 0833261604, reports can be made anonymously telephonically or online by clicking here
I Want Justice For Scubie
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