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We Confiscated this Continuously Whipped Cart Horse

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On 6 July 2022, the Cape of Good Hope SPCA received several calls from concerned members of the public regarding a cart-horse being whipped continuously. The pony had a cart attached and was busy transporting a load on Strandfontein Road, heading from Ottery towards Strandfontein. According to eyewitnesses, the owner continuously whipped the pony in an attempt to get the pony to move faster. 

 The caring complainants followed the pony, whilst on the line with our Inspectorate. 

SPCA Response

Trainee Inspector Lwazi Ntungele was the closest team member and responded swiftly to apprehend the culprits.

Ntungele gathered the evidence whilst on scene and ensured the pony did not disappear while he waited for backup.

Chief Inspector Jaco Pieterse and Horse Care Unit Supervisor Tracy Knox joined Ntungele with a horse box to load the pony.

The pony was confiscated by Chief Inspector Pieterse in terms of Regulation 468, read together with the Animals Protection Act


The pony is now safe and in the care of the Cape of Good Hope SPCA’s Horse Care Unit.

Importance of Evidence

Sadly many cart horses are badly abused. Whipping is part of the daily routine for these working equines. Unfortunately, without any evidence, the SPCA cannot take action. We urge the public to please take video evidence of the abuse while it is taking place – this strengthens our case and is the only way we can intervene and take action. 


Owner Facing Criminal Charges 

The owner will now face criminal charges in terms of the Animals Protection Act. It is a crime to beat any animal cruelly. The owner could face a fine of up to R40,000 and/or 12 months imprisonment with a criminal record if found guilty. 

Report Cruelty 

 We urge the public to please report animal cruelty directly to our Inspectorate by calling our 24/7 call centre on 021 700 4158/9 or by sending an email to You can also report cruelty online.

According to eyewitnesses, the owner continuously whipped the pony in an attempt to get the pony to move faster.

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