The Cape of Good Hope SPCA and Bravado Gaming are excited to bring you GAMING FOR GOOD – The Game-a-thon where animals win, even if you lose!
Come and join us on the 17th of July 2021 and watch top players like Adam ‘Neymar’ Bhamjee, (regarded by many in the community as the best Fortnite player in South Africa), in action for animals.
In the spirit of the “Each1Feed1” call to action this Mandela Day 5 gamers will unite on the virtual battle fields in a bid to feed as many animals as possible. Here is a full line-up of the Team who will be playing their animal loving hearts out in honour of Mandela Day 2021:
Meet The Players
- Barry "The Caramel Gamer" Forster Will be duo streaming with Pacman10154 playing [Apex Legends] from 13h:00 to 15:00 (minimum)
- Jana "Salty Monkey" du Toit Will be streaming [Hearthstone] from 09:00 to 12:00
- Kyle "Pacman10154" Swart Will be duo streaming with TheCaramelGamer playing [Apex Legends] from 13:00 to 15:00 (Minimum as he will probably switch to another game or continue streaming with other people)
- Jessica "Miss Lady Jay" Maij Will be streaming [Gwent: The Witcher Card Game] from 14:00 to 17:30
- Adam "Neymar" Bhamjee Neymar – Will be streaming [Fortnite] from 15:00 to 16:30
Follow the Players on Twitter!
It's Winter and We Need More Food!
We have as many as 500 animals on site at any given time! This includes; dogs, cats, horses, birds, wild animals and farm animals! That’s a lot of tummies to keep full, especially in Winter when animals eat more than usual.
We use as much a 1 ton of dry dog and cat food every week, that’s 4 tons per month! It costs an average of R25 to feed one dog or cat for just one day in the Winter, R175 for a week and R700 for a month. Helping us to cover these costs means we can direct more funds towards our important prevention of cruelty work.
The Gaming For Good Schedule
TheCaramelGamer – Will be duo streaming with Pacman10154 playing [Apex Legends] from 13h:00 to 15:00 (minimum)
Pacman10154 – Will be duo streaming with TheCaramelGamer playing [Apex Legends] from 13:00 to 15:00 (Minimum as he will probably switch to another game or continue streaming with other people)
MissLadyJay – Will be streaming [Gwent: The Witcher Card Game] from 14:00 to 17:30
SaltyMonkeh – Will be streaming [Hearthstone] from 09:00 to 12:00
Neymar – Will be streaming [Fortnite] from 15:00 to 16:30
Make Your Donation via Payfast Below
Just enter the value you would like to contribute towards food and click on donate to send your gift safely!
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