As an animal lover, you’ll find it heartwarming to meet our future generation of compassionate and caring young supporters.
James Le Feuvre decided that instead of birthday gifts this year, he would ask for donations to the SPCA. He raised R600 for the animals in our care. Happy Birthday James, and ‘thank you’ – you are a most generous young man!
Eight-year-old Zachary van Schalkwyk is our youngest fundraiser so far this year. This Square Hill Primary School learner asked his friends and family to contribute R1, R2 and R5 coins to help him build a Money Snake.
Daniel van Schalkwyk is another young supporter who worked hard to complete his Money Snake. A big ‘thank you’ to this Westcott Primary School learner. We are so proud of Zachary and Daniel for caring about our wildlife.
Shaun stopped at the CoGH SPCA stall at the Root 44 Market recently. It was Shaun’s birthday and he chose to donate to help our animals. What an inspiration you are, Shaun! Thanks to you and your family.
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