Message From Moyo

Counting on a Sunny Outlook

Here’s wishing you a wonderful 2022! I hope that it’s a healthy, happy year for you and your loved ones – both furry and human.

As we head into this new year, we do so with confidence knowing that we can count on supporters like you to stand strong with us over the months ahead. And just as we trust in you, know that you can continue to have confidence in the culture of care that embodies everything we do at the Cape of Good Hope SPCA.

Daisy and Donkey

A Darling Donkey Family

When we received a report from Heideveld Neighbourhood Watch about two stray donkeys, we couldn’t have imagined that four months later, they’d end up in a little piece of paradise they could call home.

Baby donkey was still drinking from his mom when they first arrived at the SPCA – and she, understandably, was nervous and afraid of people. 

Still shining bright – like Diamonds

Remember Diamonds – the three-legged dog who was forced to fight? Who could forget that incredible story of one dog’s bravery and spirit! Thankfully, his loving new owner, Mariska Vermeulen will ensure that Diamonds stays safe forever. Click here to read the full update

Mommy cat’s call beats everything else – paws down!

Thank heavens for kind souls, Lendi and Carlo, who followed a kitten’s desperate cries in a bid to save her. It was no easy task, since the kitten was ‘somewhere’ inside a ship engineering warehouse in Table Bay Harbour! But that didn’t deter Inspector Elani Graham, who rushed to the help and narrowed down the source of the cries to an open drain pipe at the back of the warehouse.

“The 10cm diameter pipe went down at a 45-degree angle and was completely covered under a thick concrete slab,” said Inspector Graham.

One day later, the kitten was still hidden …… Read More Here 

Putting the SPA into SP(C)A

It was bubbles and bliss for the SPCA’s dogs, thanks to volunteer grooming duo Isabel and Kevin, who hitched their mini mobile spa to our plugs and hosepipe before treating our homeless hounds to a makeover. Read all about it here 

Swipe for the Cape of Good Hope SPCA

Did you know that every swipe of a MySchool MyVillage MyPlanet card can raise funds for us – without costing you money? Simply sign up for a card, add our SPCA as your beneficiary and swipe your card at partner stores to start benefitting animals. Visit to join!

Sharing a 150-year-old legacy of love

Did you know that the Cape of Good Hope SPCA will soon be celebrating 150 years in service of animal welfare, thanks to generous bequests and the kind support of people like you?

It was a bequest made by the late Val Gorfinkel that enabled our animal hospital to receive a much-needed revamp about 16 years ago. That upgrade helped ensure that 40 000 animals received veterinary help during the past year. Read More 

Animal hospital’s emergency care saves poisoned dogs

It was thanks to Lennox Tyala of Khayelitsha’s quick thinking that his dogs are alive today. He didn’t hesitate to rush his dogs, Venge and Ferguson to our animal hospital – along with a well-known neighbourhood stray – when he awoke during the night to find them all in distress. 

It was clear to our head veterinarian, Dr Esté Spies that the dogs had eaten poison. Read the full story 

We’re wild about wildlife!

A Durbanville couple was shocked to discover a wild genet in the humane trap they’d set after their lovebirds started disappearing – and worse, the beautiful cat-like creature had injured himself, leading the panicked property owners to quickly call the SPCA for help. Read More  Here 

You ask and we answer

An SPCA supporter wrote in to ask how the dogs in the SPCA’s kennels are trained and socialised before they are homed. The SPCA’s animal behaviourist, Nicole Nel explains:

“Dogs undergo a brief assessment, while some require several as they settle in and new behaviours start to show. Those who require more guidance and training will be identified and worked with through positive reinforcement methods. This reward-based training helps the dogs gain confidence as they start to feel more comfortable, learn positive associations and are taught skills. Read all about it here