When Inspectors from our Horse Care Unit responded to a report of a horse stuck in a septic pit, they could barely believe that the mare had survived. But Caramel, as this feisty mare is known, was holding on to life with all her might.

The local community had been trying to pull her out, without success; and luckily, a local farmer who regularly helps the SPCA was able to come to the rescue by bringing his front-end loader.

Once the dehydrated mare was freed from the pit, she had to be carried into the horsebox, as she was in shock and too exhausted to stand, let alone walk. Caramel was transported to the SPCA where she was immediately placed on a drip and medicated while still lying in the horsebox.

There were grave concerns about her contracting pneumonia as she had likely inhaled fumes from the septic pit – and her body temperature was very low.

But Caramel surprised everyone again. After an hour of arriving at the SPCA, she stood up on her own and the veterinary team was able to add another drip to get more fluids into her.

Once the drips were finished, Caramel was rinsed off before veterinary staff treated her multiple abrasions. Once safely in a stable, she immediately started to nibble on oat hay.

Throughout the stressful ordeal, Caramel’s owner had stayed at her side and willed her on to be strong – and once she was stable, the whole family came to visit her and give her kisses. 

Every day saw Caramel grow stronger; and just over a week after her dramatic rescue, the miracle mare went home to her relieved owner.

The Cape of Good Hope SPCA is grateful to the private specialist Equine Vets who are always willing to help.

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