Every day, I witness the daily struggles of the animals affected by uncontrolled backyard breeding.

The numbers are alarming—20,350 unwanted and stray animals will find their way to our facilities this year alone. And, behind every admission, is a heart-breaking story of neglect. Nothing unwanted is ever treasured. These animals arrive starved, diseased, or injured and in pain.

When other organisations are at capacity or struggling with resources, they turn to us. Our open-door admissions policy means we never turn any animal away, but the buck stops with us. There is no organisation to help us shoulder our burden, there is only you.

We must act now. And we are. With targeted pet sterilisation drives in hotspot areas, we can prevent cruelty before it starts. Sterilisation is so much more than a solution – it’s the answer to the current pet overpopulation crisis, the untold suffering of unwanted animals, and the volumes coming through our doors. And when we’ve done enough, every animal in every home will be wanted and because they’re wanted, treasured.

When animals turn to us, we can only turn to you and we’re so thankful that we can. Please turn your compassion into action again. We’ll step in, but we can’t do it alone. Sponsor a Spay, even just one will prevent the suffering of thousands.

Message from Moyo - CEO Cape of Good Hope SPCA 2

Step in with us to ensure a compassionate future for all animals and a sustainable future for animal welfare!