Being able to face this new year with confidence is the result of being buoyed by the support of amazing people, like you, who stay at our side through thick and thin. Thanks to your generosity, we helped animals through so much last year – including fires and floods – and I trust that your love for animals will remain steadfast throughout 2025.
2024 ended with my attendance, at the invitation of the International Companion Animal Management Coalition (ICAM), as a panellist at the 12th World Urban Forum in Egypt. Being named ICAM’s first ‘Beacon City’ at the event is a proud achievement for Cape Town, the SPCA, and every one of our supporters.
Representing animals, the SPCA, and our city at the forum was an honour, but I was also there representing you. Your support has built the winning programs that gained us international attention. The Beacon City recognition is not ours; it’s yours. Thank you for helping us show the world what compassion and innovation can achieve.
As I look ahead at 2025, which is sure to have its challenges as we continue to tackle the pet over-population crisis, I count on your loyal support, just as all animals count on ours.
I wish you a positive, prosperous year.
Moyo Ndukwana
Chief Executive Officer

Step in with us to ensure a compassionate future for all animals and a sustainable future for animal welfare!