One spay at a time to end pet over-population

Did you know that sterilising 100 pets prevents the birth of around 950 animals over 12 months?

Thanks to support from folks like you, we temporarily transformed the Langa Community Hall into a field hospital, sterilising 198 animals over four days. Every animal sterilised is a victory in our battle against cruelty and pet overpopulation.

When you consider that the Cape of Good Hope SPCA admitted 23,621 unwanted and stray animals in just one year, you can appreciate why sterilisation – the prevention of more pet births –  is widely acknowledged as the only true solution to pet over-population.

Without this intervention, the number of unwanted and neglected animals will increase, leading to even more cruelty and higher rates of euthanasia.

In addition to Langa, the SPCA’s Education Team has been hard at work in Eerste River, where they encouraged pet owners to sterilise their animals. Their efforts ensured that at least 175 pets were spayed and neutered in this community.

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Step in with us to ensure a compassionate future for all animals and a sustainable future for animal welfare!