Pony rescued from cruel carting

What would you do if you saw a small pony practically buckling under a load too heavy to cart? SPCA Inspector Ayanda Ngcofe didn’t hesitate to intervene and insist that the overburdened animal be detached.

Not only had the pony been forced to cart a broken vehicle without an engine, four passengers had also sat inside it! This absurdly heavy load pushed against the pony’s hindquarters and she had struggled with every step.

As the pony was lame and in distress, Inspector Ngcofe called the SPCA’s Horse Care Unit for help to transport the pony to the SPCA. By now, realising the seriousness of the matter, two of the men tried to flee, but Law Enforcement officers quickly apprehended them.

An equine specialist veterinarian, who was called to the SPCA to examine the pony, confirmed that the pony was physically incapable of pulling such a burden. The cart and vehicle weighed 990 kgs  (without the four occupants) — almost triple the pony’s own weight of just 360 kgs. It was inhuman and illegal to force the pony to pull such a heavy load.

The four occupants of the cart face animal cruelty charges, and the pony is safe in the care of the SPCA’s Horse Care Unit. 

Pony rescued from cruel carting
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