Three Young Heroes and One Lucky Dog

An enjoyable game turned into a nightmare for 10-year-old Thorne and his two young friends when his dog Bruno was attacked by a free-roaming dog. As if that wasn’t bad enough, the dog chased Bruno into the street, where he was hit by a car – which sped off.

The plucky trio gently placed bleeding Bruno into the only stretcher-type object they could find – a baby car seat. Each holding a side, they walked for 2kms to reach the SPCA, where Vet Dr Spamer provided emergency pain relief to Bruno and assessed his injuries.

It was only when Bruno was in the SPCA’s safe care that Thorne burst into tears – the frightened, exhausted little boy could finally stop putting on a brave face.

Bruno stayed in the animal hospital for almost three weeks to ensure that his mangled foot could heal.

His recovery is thanks to the generosity of the SPCA’s compassionate supporters, who leapt into action by donating towards Bruno’s veterinary treatment – thanks again!

Meet our young heroes and see Bruno’s going home video here:
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